Promote Alternatives
Increase accessibility of locally-sourced or alternatives to forest-risk commodities.
Establish an urban food resiliency program working with residents and stakeholder groups to identify and cut deforestation in city food supply chains. For example:
URBACT’s Food Corridors project aims to build connections between European cities and the rural areas where their food is sourced. The project is currently working with 8 cities and regions.
Adopt and/or adapt a city-wide food policy to include actions on prioritizing forest-risk foods. Establish a city food policy council and/or work with one to encourage and/or make case for reductions in forest-risk foods. Other frameworks include the Milan Urban Food Pact and C40’s Good Food Cities Declaration. For example:
The Nordic Council of Ministers (a joint initiative between Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, and Iceland) established the Nordic Food Policy Lab in 2017 with the focus of promoting the influence of public institutions in leading systemic, sustainable change via food policy. The initiative has detailed 24 examples of food policy which apply to city governments and other public institutions.
Increase accessibility of locally-produced forest-risk commodities. Commodities produced near & within cities can be a source of high value low-carbon products while supporting local economies, innovation, and indirectly reducing pressure on tropical forests. For example:
The city of Vancouver implemented a Food Strategy in 2013 with the goals of supporting urban agriculture, improving access to healthy food and local produce, and increasing the amount of local and sustainable food purchased by the city government.