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Support Upper-Level Governments

Apply pressure to upper level governments to legislate on deforestation risk commodities.

Being home to the majority of voters in many countries, cities can flex their political muscle by being vocal with state and national government leaders about the importance of faraway forests for city resident well-being. If faraway forests are to remain, the voice of cities needs to be heard. 

  1. Call on national and state governments to conserve, restore, and better manage tropical forests. For example:

    1. Cities4Forests is preparing a city-led Call to Action on Forests. This “Call to Action'' would be signed by participating Cities4Forests cities and would advocate for national governments, businesses, and financial institutions to increase their support for the conservation, sustainable management, and restoration of forests. Cities may leverage this declaration as they work with national governments, businesses, and financial institutions to increase their ambitions and commitments to forest action.

    2. In response to the EU’s public consultation on their Deforestation Impact Assessment, a group of more than 160 NGOs united to spearhead the #Together4Forests campaign in 2020. The campaign provided recommendations for public submissions to the public consultation survey to encourage ambitious action, which received almost 1.2 million individual responses through the campaign.

    3. The 1000 Cities Adapt Now global program launched in 2021 to accelerate climate adaptation in 1000 cities by 2030. The 1000 Cities Initiative for Carbon Freedom was also launched in 2021 with the goal of reaching the Paris Agreement through cities’ commitments to fossil fuel-free operations by 2040.

Support Upper-Level Governments

Cities taking this action

Action-specific Resources

Accountability Framework Initiative

Accountability Framework Initiative

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